To the Austen Everett Foundation,
I would like to say thank you for this experience! It was so much fun being the Honorary Team Captain for the Minnesota United Soccer Team. I am so thankful my Child Life specialist Jodie thought of me when she was presented with this opportunity. My favorite thing was meeting all of the players. They have given me inspiration because they all worked so hard to get where they are today.
Meeting Matt Lampson was exciting, and to hear his story about battling childhood cancer gave me encouragement to continue my soccer training. I am very thankful I had the opportunity to meet the players, tour their training facility and watch them practice. It was very fun to be able to not only see them practice but to watch the game up close. This experience has really impacted my life and made me feel like I can do anything. Thank you so much for this incredible opportunity.
-Ewing sarcoma survivor Mia